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Octagon Building Care Blog

Latest News, Press Releases, and Tips.

Proper Care of Microfiber Cleaning Cloths

With many people “going green”, one great reusable cleaning tool is microfiber cloths.

These clothes are great at grabbing and holding onto dust, dirt, and grime!

Since the cloths are sucking up all our dirt, we need to show them some love and make sure they are cleaned properly! Below are some tips to keep your cloths in top cleaning condition!

Read more: Proper Care of Microfiber Cleaning Cloths

Keeping Floors Clean with Pets

Sixty-eight percent of U.S. households, or about 85 million families, own a pet, according to the 2017-2018 National Pet Owners Survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association (APPA). Of those, about 35% own a pet that goes outside on a regular basis. This means dirt and germs can be tracked in by our furry family members. Tracked in dirt and debris can be very abrasive on all types of flooring especially carpet and hardwood floors. Below are tips and tricks on keeping your floors looking new, without getting rid of the beloved family pet!

Read more: Keeping Floors Clean with Pets

Vacuum Cleaner Maintenance

One tool that most businesses and households use often is a vacuum cleaner. This small but mighty tool is helpful in cleaning and keeping our environment clean and healthy. Proper cleaning and maintenance should be done on this helpful tool to keep it in top notch working order! Below are some maintenance tips we suggest you complete regularly to keep your vacuum in tip-top shape and working properly!

Read more: Vacuum Cleaner Maintenance

Tips for Cleaning a Shared Workspace

To help cut down on costs, many businesses are now offering their employees more flexibility in their workspace and work hours. Employees may be able to work from home or travel to different locations to work when convenient. Due to this, having a dedicated office or workspace is disappearing. The new trend is shared workspaces!

When sharing any type of space, there are going to various different cleaning and organizations styles. Below are some tips to make the best (and cleanest!) of your shared workspace.

Read more: Tips for Cleaning a Shared Workspace