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Octagon Building Care Blog

Latest News, Press Releases, and Tips.

Dirtiest Places in…Your Office:

Welcome and thank you for checking out our blog!  This post will be kicking off a series of posts that will explore the dirtiest places found in different environments.  Environments such as your office, your home, the airport, etc. Click here to follow us on Facebook or click here to connect with us on LinkedIn to be alerted when those posts become available.

The average person spends 9+ hours at work.  That is more than one third of your day spent inside an office.  Have you ever stopped to consider how healthy your work environment is?  While a lot goes into creating a healthy work environment, below you will find areas that tend to have a higher number of germs and visible dirt in a typical office setting and some tips for keeping those areas cleaner.

Read more: Dirtiest Places in…Your Office:

Back To School Tips

It’s back to school time and that means being exposed to new germs!

Since germs are so easily transported to other environments, regular professional cleanings are crucial in keeping the amounts of germs down and preventing the spread of germs.

Aside from regular professional cleanings, there are things employees can do at home to prevent bringing pesky germs from home to the office:

Read more: Back To School Tips

Cell Phone Cleaning

How to Disinfect your Cell Phone

With cold and flu season upon us, one of the most important thing you can do to prevent the spread of germs is to disinfect surfaces. But do you think about your cell phone? Your cell phone is one of the dirtiest surfaces a person touches every day.

According to Time Health, your cell phone is 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat! Since most of the germs transferred to your phone come from your hands, proper hand washing is important, but so is cleaning your phone weekly.

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Since the surface of your phone can be damaged by most chemical cleaners, you do not want to use glass cleaners, alcohol wipes, etc. You should never spray anything directly on your screen, always spray onto a cloth first as excess moisture can damage the phone. Make sure you are using a microfiber or lint free cloth. Paper towels and other textiles can scratch the surface of your phone.

Use the tips below and you can have a clean, germ free phone!

  1. Use a diluted alcohol mixture (60% water + 40% rubbing alcohol). Spray a small amount of the mixture on a microfiber or lint free cloth and wipe off phone screen and case.
  2. Mix distilled or bottled water with white vinegar (50% water + 50% white vinegar). Spray a small amount of the mixture on a microfiber or lint free cloth and wipe off phone screen and case.
  3. Use a small amount of alcohol free hand sanitizer. Put a small amount on a cloth and wipe off phone screen and case.
  4. Use a UV-C light device designed to sanitize your phone in minutes.
  5. Use specialty wipes designed to clean cell phone screens

Octagon Building Care is a leader in commercial cleaning and building solutions for Fort Worth, Arlington, and Dallas. Follow us on Facebook for more great information.

Hand Washing

Hand Washing 101 – When, How, and Why??

Hand washing is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of infections.  Certain germs (viruses and bacteria) can be spread through general contact with another person.  They can also spread through contaminated objects and touch points such as door handles, light switches, cell phones, etc.  A person picks up these germs by touching these objects and then touching their face (mouth, nose, and eyes).  People often touch their face many times per day without realizing it.

With cold and flu season upon us, here are some tips and methods for preventing the spread of germs.

Read more: Hand Washing